Heavy DogObesity is an extremely common issue in pets and, just like humans; it can be harmful to the health of a dog. The overweight pet has many added stresses upon his/her body and is at an increased risk of diabetes, liver problems and joint pain.

Obesity develops when energy intake exceeds energy requirements. This excess energy, or caloric surplus, is then stored as fat. The majority of cases of obesity are related to simple overfeeding joined with lack of exercise. Some groups of dogs seem to be more prone to obesity than others. Specific breeds, such as Labrador retrievers and pugs, and older dogs are especially vulnerable.

Some Simple Tips

There are a few simple methods to classify whether your pet has put on the pounds. You should be able to feel the backbone and touch the ribs of an animal of healthy weight. If you cannot feel your pet’s ribs without pressing, there is too much fat. Also, you should see a noticeable waist between the back of the rib cage and the hips when looking at your pet from above. When viewed from the side, there should be a “tuck” in the tummy, meaning the abdomen should go up from the bottom of the rib cage to inside the thighs. Dogs who fail buy cheap propecia tablets these simple tests may be overweight.

Here are few simple tips and ways to keep your dog healthy and fit:

  1. Fix Your Pet’s Diet: The common expression, “You are what you eat”, is very true. Overweight animals eat more calories than they need. Work with your veterinarian to select more appropriate food choices and establish your pet’s caloric requirements. The diet should contain a normal level of a moderately fermentable fiber and fat to prevent the skin and coat from suffering during weight loss.
  2. Exercise More Often: Increasing physical activity can be valuable to both weight loss and weight maintenance. Regular exercise burns more calories, reduces appetite, changes body composition and will increase your pet’s resting metabolic rate.
  3. Alter Your Behavior: Just like a child, a dog will follow your habits and behavior. Think of yourself as a loving role model if you will. A victorious weight management program means making changes in your behaviors that have contributed to your pet’s weight. For example, you may be giving your pet too many treats or not giving her enough opportunities to exercise.

Try these tips and strategies out, and see that happy, healthy dog once again!

Dog Exercise