Diesel A hero service dogThere are an estimated 73 million pet dogs in the United States alone and of that segment there are a number of service dogs that perform duties for humans in need.

Dogs are the most diverse and most utilized animal on the planet. People have taken advantage of their keen senses and natural penchant for loyalty for thousands of years. In honor of the service dog Diesel lets take a look at popular services and the dogs that perform them.

  • Police dogs – These dogs serve alongside officers of the law in various capacities. Most people are familiar with the K-9 unit which is a play on words as it is representative of the species name canine. The popular the two most popular dog breeds for patrol and law enforcement purposes are German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois. They are the first line of defense against crime and are special trained as well as being equal to their human partners. Hurting a police dog is the same as hurting a police officer in the eyes of the law.
  • Fire dogs – Most popularized by the Dalmatians these white and back spotted dogs are firemen’s equivalent of a police dog. Although their use is not as popular as it was decades ago most firehouses still utilize this breed for specific fire related education programs, which are mainly aimed at teaching fire prevention to children.
  • Search and Rescue dogs – Since dogs have an amazing sense of smell it is no wonder that they are amazing at finding lost individuals. Perhaps, most popularized by Lassie, search and rescue dogs are normally border collies; however, Labradors are equally important in this field of service.
  • Customs and Border Patrol dogs – These dogs are normally employed throughout airports and train stations around the world. There duty is to sniff out illegal substances being smuggled across borders. The breed used is usually Labrador.
  • Guide and Hearing dogs – Perhaps, the most popular service dog for civilians are these specialized dogs in this service. These amazing dogs are allowed access to places dogs are normally not allowed, because these dogs are helping individuals with disabilities. They help the blind and deaf navigate the dangerous world. Dog breeds in this service are Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and German Shepherds.
  • Therapy dogs – This service could be the most diverse as dogs serve to help people in a variety of ways. They are employed to help veterans with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome)and a copious amount of other personal issues. Any and all dogs can be considered in this type of service, one could even argue that all dogs already perform this service as we live in a very stress inducing world these days.
  • Seizure Alert dogs – Dogs can famously detect micro-movements in our faces so it is no wonder that they are employed in this specific service. Similar to therapy dogs, almost any dog can be trained to use it’s keen senses to detect an upcoming seizure.
  • Physical Assistance dogs – As the service denotes these dogs are typically used to help people with physical handicaps. The most popular breed in this line of service is the Labrador.
  • Military dogs – Similar to police dogs in almost every aspect; however, these dogs will often times be deployed to serve in conflict zones around the world and have even been known to suffer from PTSD just like people.
  • All dogs – Lets be honest… all dogs should be considered as providing a great service to humanity. Never before as an animal developed and grown with us as a species. Our paths and destinies have been entwined for thousands of years. A big thank you to all of the service dogs that ever were and will be.

Diesel with honors

RIP Diesel