We know that for some people it’s the dog that trains them, but it can be very rewarding when we are able to teach our loving friends a few tricks! Just like with people learning a new skill, dogs love learning and they love safe challenges!

Here are a few tips when teaching your furry friend a new trick. Observe a type of behavior your dog exhibits regularly that could be considered a trick, and proceed to give that action a verbal que, then reward that action. For an example I noticed the way my doggy would stretch resembled a “bowing movement”. So my first step was acknowledging the action, giving it a name “bow” and then rewarding him and saying the verbal que every time he completed this action! (of course its a natural action your dog performs, however the trick is relating it to the verbal and non-verbal commands. Feel free to reward your dog as often as necessary)

You can also add a movement to your verbal que also. Dogs are very perceptive of our body language, so adding a movement with the command will purchase propecia new zealand give you better results, challenge your dog by only issuing the command via body movement! My personal example is I will mix it up with my dog, sometimes I only give the verbal command “bow” and other times I will only do a gesture, which for me is standing towards him and bowing myself.

Teaching your furry friend tricks takes patience, repetition and consistency. Consistency in your tone of voice is very important and in your non-verbal gesture. You should reward your dog every time he does the action that you are creating the trick for and you should add the verbal command and the non-verbal gesture while rewarding him. There is no detail that is not important when teaching your friend something new!

It’s also important to note that dogs are very emotional and loving beings, they thrive on making us happy and they will sense your frustration if the action you are trying to teach isn’t quite going as planned, in this case relax you have a lot of time, especially since this particular trick is already something your dog knows how to do!