Injured and sick
First Encounter
When Baby Gabe was first brought into the rescue he was first known as Hersey, he had been saved from death from a local animal control.
Gabe came in with his mother and 4 siblings. Sadly, two of his siblings passed from complications associated with upper respiratory infections which plague hundreds of thousands of rescue kitties each year. Due to the sever congestion and fever Gabe had great difficulty eating and his eyes were crusted over from constant discharge. We almost lost Gabe twice but he kept fighting to live, and so did we. His growth was so stunted from the lack of nutrition that at the time he should have weighed 4 pounds but he barely weighed more than 1 pound. Once Gabe was stable enough, he came to me, the skeleton of happy kitty, still full of life but suffering from a horrible upper respiratory infection and in need of putting on some serious love handles.
After nursing him back to health and watching him grow and develop, a love grew between him and me, and my two dogs that I was not expecting. He made it to only one adoption event. As he lay in his hammock and I stared at him I knew he was my baby and that his home was already found.
The Foster Failure

Gabe’s One Year buy propecia online new zealand Birthday
Babe Gabe as he goes by now joined my family officially in August of 2014. I had fostered him for 8 weeks before he became mine. He quickly became a member of the family without me even realizing.
My experience caring for Babe Gabe lead me to finding a passion caring for some of our most critical kitties in the rescue and in doing so I have played a hand in saving several lives. Every day kitties are fighting for their lives as they are discarded on the side of running paths, in garbage cans, left in boxes outside of buildings, passed out for free on the internet and dropped at animal control only to be euthanized. Catering to Cats and Dogs rescues these pets and provides shelter, love, and care for at least 300-400 cats and kittens every year. That’s almost a kitty a day in the fight to keep these precious lives. The meaning and purpose felt in helping to save a life and see that life be united with a new family can take your breath away.
I encourage everyone out there to consider adoption or experience rescue work. The reward is found in every set of eyes that looks upon you with warmth and a genuine love and appreciation that only a foster parent can see.
Baby Gabe was named after the angel Gabriel who is known in Christianity as God’s special messenger. Baby Gabe served as my message to step up and make a difference. May his story encourage you to step up and join our fight to save every life until there are no more in need of saving!