We all love to feed our dogs under the table or the scrapes from our plate, but there are a number of foods that are a deadly for dogs that you may not be aware of!
Although dogs have strong stomachs and an appetite to match, many foods are quite dangerous for your dog to eat and these foods can possibly even be deadly.
- Alcohol- if you are having friends over or having a impromptu house party make sure your guests are responsible, never give your dog, cat or any animal alcohol. Beer or any alcoholic drink can cause a coma or even death.
- Avocados- contain a toxin called Persin which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and intestinal problems in dogs.
- Candy- when the common sweetener Xylitol is present in most candies, it is better to avoid giving your dog or cat any kind of candy, period.
- Chewing Gum- also contains Xylitol. This sweetener causes a drop in blood pressure and can lead to seizures or liver failure.
Chocolate- contains numerous stimulates called Methylxantines that are harmful for both dogs and cats. The darker the chocolate the higher the concentration of these compounds and the more danger to your pet. Even white chocolate can cause problems. Cocoa powder has similar dangers and cocoa beans are extremely toxic. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs include nervousness, extreme panting, seizures and possibly death. Be especially careful during holidays such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas, when lots of chocolate and candy is in your home.
- Grapes/Raisins- can cause generic propecia lowest price kidney failure in dogs. All grapes should be avoided to keep your dog safe from harm.
- Mushrooms- contain many toxins that are harmful for dogs, these toxins can cause liver and/or kidney damage that leads to coma or death.
- Nicotine/cigarettes/e-cigs- are extremely harmful to dogs, ash trays with cigarettes butts should be kept in a safe place and emptied often. Nicotine patches should never be kept somewhere your dog can get to it. A small amount of nicotine can be deadly.
- Nuts- Macadamia nuts are especially deadly to dogs, but all nuts can cause minor problems such as diarrhea. Macadamia nuts, however, can cause temporary paralysis.
- Onions and Garlic- both contain a toxin Thiosulphate. Thiosulphate affects the red blood cells in your pup’s body and within a few days symptoms could progress to include bloody diarrhea, breathlessness and even death. Onions are more dangerous than garlic as the toxin is more concentrated. It doesn’t take much to cause poisoning.
- Yeast or uncooked dough- once swallowed by your dog can rise and cause internal damage and can cause alcohol poisoning as well. Yeast is especially deadly for puppies if swallowed.
If you love and cherish that furry member of your family make sure to never feed him these foods. It is best to avoid giving your dog any human food in general. It is a good idea to post these deadly foods on the fridge to remind everyone in your house about the dangers that everyday food can be to your pet. If your dog eats any of these foods accidentally you should contact your veterinarians emergency number, and take your dog there right away.