While adopting a new pet for the first time isn’t quite as challenging as having a child, it’s a mistake to think that you can go into it blind and know everything there is to know about being a good pet parent. Here are some things you absolutely need to think about before you adopt your new pet.
You will need to make time for exercise – a lot of it
If you are in a place in your life where you simply don’t have enough time to exercise every day, getting a new dog may warrant a second thought. Dogs – even less-active ones – require at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. This should come from dog walking and from play. If you can’t commit to this, you may consider hiring a dog walker. For puppies, several short intense bursts of exercise are better than one long walk. For older dogs, a longer walk may be the best choice. Here’s a good article from the American Kennel Club on dog exercise needs.
There are dogs that are better and worse for you
All dogs are not created equal. There exist breeds that are better suited for you and those that do not mesh with your lifestyle.
“Your personality and lifestyle, along with challenges such as space restrictions and amount of time spent at home, should be explored to determine what pet is right for your household. Research different breeds and ask shelter staffers for guidance—they’re experts at making perfect matches!” says the ASPCA.
Active breeds like German Shepherds and Labradors may not be a good choice for a busy, sedentary person living in an apartment with no yard, for example. A bulldog may not be the best choice for someone with bad allergies. Do your research beforehand. There’s nothing worse than adopting a dog, only to have to take them back to the shelter in a couple of weeks.
There are ways to better bond with your pet
Your pet may automatically love you and form a tight bond from the first moment you meet. They may not. It’s not a foregone conclusion. You should know that there are actually ways to better bond with your pet – active measures you can take to ensure a strong connection forms.
Through proper structure, affection, and attention, you can boost your odds of you and your new pet meshing. Make physical contact with your dog – a lot of it. Play as much as you can. Allow them to accompany you as you go about your household activities. Establish boundaries and be consistent. Don’t tell them no one day then let them jump on the couch another. Keep a tight schedule for walking and for their meals – this way they will depend on you. Check here for more ways to bond with your new pet.
Your dog will probably not be perfect
Some people have perfect dogs. These people are rare. Most pets have peculiarities and imperfections. Many are triggered by certain things. Some are fearful. You should embrace your pet’s differences and always practice patience. While being stern with them and correcting bad behavior is necessary, aggressive behaviors never work with dogs. They will only make your dog nervous, fearful, and eventually more aggressive itself. The number one tip for any first-time pet owner is to be calm at all times. Calm owners have calm dogs.
If you go into first-time pet ownership with humility, you’ll be better off. As with any life experience, skill, or event, it’s foolish to think you know everything about something you’ve never actually been involved in. As long as you do your research and listen to the advice of other pet owners, you’ll be on your way to forming a strong bond that will last a lifetime.
Photo Credit: Pixabay.com
This story was brought to you by Jessica Brody of Ourbestfriends.pet