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Highland Shoppes

Highland Shoppes 5814 Highland Shoppes, Charlotte

Highland Shoppes Join us every second Wednesday of the month and help raise money for the animals at Catering to Cats and Dogs 15% cost of your meal will be [...]

6th Annual Dogtoberfest

Jackalope Jack's Restaurant & Bar SAVE THE DATE!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! Our 6th Annual Dogtoberfest will be on HALLOWEEN Day this year, which means more FUN and FESTIVITIES than ever!!!!!! [...]


Brazwells Adopt-a-Thon

Come out to Brazwell's on October 24th to hang out with some awesome local rescues to raise awareness about their work, their cause and possibly take home a new family [...]


Team Members Bar

For Registered Volunteers

Consider becoming a Volunteer Today, it is very rewarding and you will be saving a life.